Posted on February 23, 2022 in Cloud, Docker, Infrastructure, Technology

Spinning up and Managing Multi-container apps using Docker Compose

by admin

Docker…Containers…Kubernetes…Docker swarm…Containerized clusters etc. I know you have been hearing some, if not all of these terms buzzing around the tech community for a while now and you have been wondering what they are. You might even know them but you haven’t used them before or how they work together.

But first…what are containers? Well from here; containers are lightweight, stand-alone, executable packages of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, settings etc. Containers can share a similar kernel with their host, this makes them really lightweight and fun to use. They also come in various linux distros like Centos, Ubuntu etc. But I won’t be talking much about what docker containers are indepth. You can find more here