Archive for month

July, 2022

What I learn During my Software Engineering Internship

Uncategorized July 26, 2022

So I was opportune to intern at Cisco this summer at the Boxborough MA campus(such a huge and lovely campus), and contrary to how people see Cisco-its way much more than a networking/routing and switching company. Cisco is also a big player in the cloud (offering so many cloud computing services) and also in the $11 trillion IoT(Internet of things) market. Read more

Using AWS Lambda Function with Amazon Lex to create a chatbot

Uncategorized July 26, 2022

Amazon Lex is a managed artificial intelligence service with advanced natural language processing models for building conversational interfaces into applications. There are currently two versions of Lex, namely V1 and V2 consoles. V2 is the latest version. It allows developers to create bots in multiple languages, and it is more flexible compared to V1 Read more