Posted on March 14, 2022 in Career Development

A Guide to Yearly Career Goal Setting

by admin

Anything “new beginnings” always has my attention, be it a move to a new city, a new role, a new friendship and of course a new year. New beginnings gives me a sense of “a better attempt”. Yes, we all know at times we make resolutions at the begining of the year but might become less dedicated to them by March. However, the attempt to try does matter. The mood and positivity the new year brings gives us the opportunity to start something new, stop bad habits or gain new ones.

Professionally, we can cease the resolution mindset to draft out our career goal for the year and dive into the specifics of what we want to achieve. I will be sharing with you the approach I used in creating my career goal for this year. I broke my goals into 4 major sections. Quantitative Expertise, Business Knowledge, Leadership, and Relational Development. Before we discuss each of this, drafting a 5-year career road map before diving into goals for the year is very vital. There are various ways to create a 5-year goal map, but the main idea is to really think about where you want to be and what you want to be doing in 5 years. Write down the goals and be very specific and intentional. Read More

An example of a goal can be to create a mentoring platform for professionals that will help match mentors and mentees across companies and industries.